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OX Trade Wash Boy


SKU: OX-T140424 Category:

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The OX Trade tile Wash Kit includes a large 24-litre container made of impact-resistant plastic with 4 lockable swivel wheels for excellent manoeuvrability. 3 adverse rollers slide to allow flexible positioning over the container and removable plastic grids on stilts deal with any build-up of grout.


Extra-large 24 litre container made of impact resistant plastic
Comes with 3 adverse rollers on sliders to allow positioning at any point over the container to allow optimum ringing of excess water from the sponge float.
Includes four lockable swivel wheels for easy moving and positioning around the worksite.
Removable plastic grid on stilts for easy and effective rinsing of the sponge float with plenty of clearance to allow for build-up of excess grout.
Internal fill line to indicate optimum water height.